Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How do you clear a pendrive COMPLETELY of viruses?

Q. Whatever I do , how much ever I format my 8 GB transcend pendrive, when I plug it in my PC, it says malware/spyware/ some unwanted thing detected.
How to get rid of viruses for good?

Also is it possible for electronic media like DVD players, guitar processors, musical keyboards to get VIRUS INFECTED if they are connected to infected computers?

A. Don't format ur pendrive with windows format. Instead use "HP USB Disk Format tool". Else delete unnecessary files on linux. MUST- use a FIREWALL(Windows Firewall is a Trash anyway) and a good antivirus.

How do you boot linux from a flash drive?
Q. I am looking for the best linux os distro that could boot straight from my flash drive.

Something like knoppix but for flash.

Another question, with that, can you access the hard drive and store information? Like to fix a windows machine?

A. You can run this of CD, USB, and even in RAM

To intall to USB drive:
First, boot up your computer from the DSL livecd, frugal, or USB-frugal. Note that it is not possible to do a USB install, or any other kind of install from a DSL Embedded system.

In the Fluxbox menu, go Apps >> Tools >> Install to USB Pendrive and choose either USB-ZIP emulation or USB-HDD emulation, depending on what is supported by your computer's bios.

How do you uninstall programs in linux slax?
Q. I just put slax on a pendrive and I want to get rid of some programs. How do you do that?

A. This is taken from

Here are a few tips on how to remove packages from modules rather easily and quickly. It might be the method you use, but it seems to me, by what you writ,e that you just remove files you find an not the entire package(s).
Here's how I do it (Wolvix 1.1.0):

1. Extract the module to a temporary directory:

lzm2dir name_of_module.lzm tempdirectory/2. Inside the 'tempdirectory/' look for the var/log/packages/ folder. Inside it is a list of all packages which have been installed to the module. Since the packages have been installed to the modules we can uninstall them with the 'removepkg' command, just like you would on Slackware, but there's a little trick to it. You have to use the 'ROOT=' parameter. Here's an example:

ROOT=tempdirectory/ removepkg name_of_packageThe 'ROOT=' parameter tells the system to remove the package from the target directory and not from the system it self.

ROOT=tempdirectory/ removepkg audaciousYou can also remove several packages at once:

ROOT=tempdirectory/ removepkg audacious streamtuner mplayerOnce one or more packages have been removed from the module, look in tempdirectory/var/log/removed_packages and tempdirectory/var/log/removeed_scripts.
In those dirs you'll see the list of removed packages and scripts. You don't need those files anymore, so you can just delete them if you want. They are just log files.


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