Saturday, April 27, 2013

How do I change the command line prompt to show just the login id.?

Q. This is on a linux virtual machine?

A. The easiest way to do it for all users is to edit the file /etc/profile.

There should be some lines in that file for setting PS1, which is the primary shell prompt. You can edit or add lines like this:

PS1='\u@\h:\$ '
export PS1

This will make the default prompt this, with a space after the dollar sign:

user@hostname $

How do I create user accounts using a script that reads a list of names from a file?
Q. It creates user accounts for each name. This is on a linux virtual machine.

A. You'll have to write a shell script that reads the names and information from the file one line at a time, then pipes it to a tool like adduser, which will then add the user information to the appropriate system files. This has to be done as root or with admin privileges.

How can I access a network shared (NFS) linux partition on my windows machine?
Q. One way to do it is install a linux virtual machine on my windows (using vmware/vpc) and use it to mount the NFS partition. Will it work? Is there any other way? Some other software.
I don't have admin access to the partition. Basically, I dont have any support from my sys admin too. (hypothetically :)

A. First, you can try Start->Run and enter //servername

Do you have admin access to the Linux machine? You could install a Samba server to it and mount it from there.

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