Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Can i choose different alerts for different people on yahoo messenger?

Q. I saw this feature for a linux instant messenger software: you can select different alerts for different users. For example, if John goes online sound1 is played, but if Jane goes online, then sound2 is played. Is it possible to achieve the same results by using yahoo messenger (for windows)? Do you know any software (even if it runs as a separate process, it doesn't have to be integrated with yahoo messenger), or a plugin that does this?

A. if you're running v8, something you might want to check out is a new plugin (from the yahoo gallery) WackyB Spoken Status/Status Alert http://gallery.yahoo.com/apps/513/locale/en
" Status Alert gives you total control over the status alerts of your friends list.
⢠Configure individual sounds not only for each friend but also for each action (Online/Offline/Status Change/New message).
⢠Choose from a library of supplied sounds or select your own (Any sound type WAV/MP3/AVI/MPG/etc).
⢠Have the status changes of your friends read aloud to you by Peedy (MS Agent Character), Peedy will let you know when your friends come online and leave as well as message status changes.
⢠Last friends status change is shown in the main window along with their chosen image/avatar.
⢠A log is also kept so you can see if a friend has been online that you missed.
⢠Instantly mute all sounds from the main plugin window, Setup sound mute when you are busy/Idle etc.. "

How do I play a song through the entire presentation in open office impress?
Q. I'm trying to create a presentation involving a song playing through the entire impress presentation, but can not find where to set the number of slides that a song should play through... any help out there?

A. No, you can not do music across multiple slides in Impress. Supposedly version 2.3 was to have this fixed, but reading the programmers logs/comments about this issue leaves me in doubt, since other issues related will not be fixed until 2.4 - if ever. I have not been able to get 2.3 to do this - so...

There is a hack that works but is ugly. It goes something like this (except two of these lines get cut off by yahoo answers so you might have to do a google search on this.)

OpenOffice.org 2 - How to put background music in presentation

Open your Impress Presentation
Tools > Macros > Organize Macros > OpenOffice.org Basic...
Under Macro from, click the name of your document to open the tree
Click Standard
Click New
Rename the new module or accept the default and click OK
In the Basic window that appears, substitute the text with your own Basic script. You can use the sample below, but substitute the actual paths on your computer.

REM ***** BASIC *****

'Impress - Play background music using an external player
'When activated from a mouse event during a slideshow,
'The external player does not show on the screen, however
'if activated from the design view, the external player pops up

Sub playBackgroundMusic

' For Linux
Shell ("/usr/bin/xmms",1,"/disks/zip.1/zip.1/m...

' For Windows
' Shell ("C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QuickTimePlayer.exe",1,"...

End Sub

Close the basic window.
In Impress design view, select the title of the first slide.
Slide show > Interaction...
Beside Action at mouse click, choose Run Macro
Click Browse...
Select the Library and the Macro name.
Click OK
Click OK
Start the slide show with Slideshow > Slideshow
Click the title you modified
Once the background music starts, you can advance the slides normally (hit the page down key or click the mouse outside of the title)


How do you Erase Ubuntu Lenix And install Windows Xp?
Q. I Have Ubuntu Linux on my computer i used to have Windows Xp, How do i remove Linux and put windows Xp Back on agian, I have the installation disc.
I cannot boot from Cd it will not let me

A. First off, let me tell you that you are going to regret installing Windows XP back on your computer unless you really need it. Ubuntu is a far superior operating system and the possibilities are almost endless.

Here is a guide my friend and I wrote for this:
I don't know your level of experience with computers, I will try to be as accurate as possible in the steps to take.

First you must take the obvious action of backing up your data and documents before you begin because everything will be erased afterwards. You can do this by either burning them onto discs or USB storage devices etc.

These are just general instructions that might seem a little inexplicit. I wont go in-depth because there's simply too many things to state.
All you have to do to begin is to pop the Windows XP Disc into your CD-ROM drive, and restart the computer with the disc still inside. Now here's where I might have a problem in helping you, normally it will say "Press any key to continue", if it says that, great then do it.
This is the part that will probably allow you to boot from the CD. ***If not, your BIOS might not have the proper boot order, which means that the computer might boot from your hard drive instead of the CD. In this case there has to be a key to press that gives you boot options, such as the F12 key in Dell BIOS's (Its usually one of the F-keys). It will come up when starting of the computer.

After choosing boot from CD-ROM in boot options, you will have to wait as the Windows disc loads and caches drivers and modules essential for the installation process, just looks like a big blue screen with words flashing at the bottom.
You will have to follow a set of questions by pressing the keys stated at the bottom of the blue screen to continue, such in the beginning when it tells you to press F8 if you agree with the license terms. Do this up until you come to a screen displaying your current hard drive configuration, stating all the partitions and what file systems each are formatted in
They will be in a rectangular box. If you computer is from a major computer manufacturer, you will have your current Windows XP partition and also a recovery partition. If you see a recovery partition, you can try to use that partition, by press another one of the F-key when your PC starts up. Otherwise, delete your current Windows XP partition by pressing the 'D' key on it. Then press 'C' on the "Unpartitioned Space". Then, type in the size of the partition and press Enter. If you don't know what size you need, just press Enter with the number that it is in there already. Then, you should return to the screen displaying all of your partitions. When you do, press Enter on the partition that you just created. Then, you will be shown a screen where you will be prompted to choose a filesystem. The main decision that you have to make here is which filesystem to use. NTFS is a newer filesystem and FAT32 is an older filesystem. The main difference between the two is that NTFS can store files that are bigger than 4GB. But, FAT32 also has an advantage: Most Linux operating systems cannot give you write access to NTFS partitions and therefore, you need to use NTFS.
So, you should select NTFS unless you use Linux, or there is another reason for selecting it. Also, be sure to choose the option that has (Quick) beside it. This will make a quicker format. If you have very important files on your hard disk, and you don't want anybody to be able to recover them, you should choose the option without (Quick) beside it. This will perform a full format.
The rest should be easy, setup will format the hard drive, then copy the contents of the CD on the hard drive. It will then restart the PC. DO NOT boot back into the CD. In other words, do not "Press any key" when the message pops up. The installation will continue with about five steps. It will ask you general questions during the installation such as time zone and country. Also, it will ask you for a serial number for Windows XP. You can find this on a sticker, which should be somewhere on the case of your PC. Look at the back or side of your tower for a colourful sticker that says Microsoft Windows XP. The serial number should be located on it. It is a series of alphanumeric characters. Or, if you purchased Windows XP separately, it should be on the box.
The rest of the setup should be very easy compared to what you have gotten through. Just follow the wizard and it will restart the computer into Windows XP. Then it will ask you a few more questions, before logging into the account that you created.

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