Friday, February 22, 2013

Where to Download UNIX and What Version or Kind?

Q. I've tried to google some sites where to download UNIX and just can't seem to find one. Also some Yahoo answers keep showing LINUX download website links not UNIX. And if I found one there were lots of choices. I'm just starting to learn how to program so please help ^^ thanks in advance

A. Linux just the name of a free Unix. There's no one "true" Unix. There are HPUX (Hewlett Packard Unix), AIX (IBM's Unix), MacIntosh is Unix, all of the Linuxes, all of the BSD's, Solaris (Sun Microsystems's Unix), and more. Here is a Unix "Family Tree":

Your free choices are:

1. Any of the various Linux flavors. For beginners, or for experts wanting a nice desktop or programming platform, I recommend Ubuntu ( ). After you install it, be sure to do this at the command line:

sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

For servers, I recommend CentOS ( ).

2. Solaris is free:

3. Any of the BSD's. FreeBSD is the most popular. There's also NetBSD, but I recommend OpenBSD ( ) because it has the best track record of any operating system for security (only two remote exploits in over ten years).

For servers, I recommend OpenBSD over CentOS or Linux for security reasons; however, OpenBSD isn't supported by VMware; so if you're running your server in VMware, then CentOS is the way to go. If you want the best possible file system performance for a database, then Solaris is the way to go (be sure to read up on ZFS first).

Back to the point of your question: For your purposes, I recommend Ubuntu. Don't forget the following command lines (the first installs compilers and C libraries, the second installs the Adobe Flash player, Java, and some other goodies):

sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

For your IDE, if you're not into Eclipse, then try Bluefish (sudo apt-get install bluefish).

What is the difference in the Linux downloads for Python and which should I get?
Q. I am currently running Ubuntu 10.10(Maverick Meerkat) and do not know which Python download is appropriate. Please help.

A. Ubuntu 10.10 uses python 2.6.6

Why is my bandwidth limited so much in windows?
Q. I have been switching between linux and windows for a while now while I learn a little bit more about linux to where I can make a perminant switch.

When using Linux my download speeds would get up to the 900KBPS speed they are supposed to but in windows it is limited to a very sad 100KBPS for no good reason.

Is there a way to fix this problem?

This is with a fresh windows install (about an hour ago) so its not bugged.

A. Are you using a download manager of some sort?

I'm not sure how Linux works but some download managers (IDM) are really good. They are able to download the file in parts which means that you're downloading at probably 5 or 6 times the normal speed.

Downloading through a browser just downloads the file as a whole and this takes a lot longer.

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