Tuesday, March 19, 2013

What is the maximum amount of memory Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 supports?

Q. I've searched the red hat website and all I could find is that RHEL 5 supports up to 2 CPUs. I'm trying to find out what is the maximum amount of memory RHEL 5 can support. Please list any websites where I can get more information about linux hardware.

Thank you,

A. RHEL 5 supports unlimited memory! If you are running it as a desktop with Multi OS then its only 4Gigs. Cool ain't it.

And by that same chart.. it will support up to 8 CPU sockets!
If you have 8 sockets and quad core,, then it will indeed support 32 CPU's!

And for hardware check these

How do i enable mod_rewrite in apache 2 on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 ?
Q. How do i enable mod_rewrite in apache 2 on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 ?

A. Uncomment LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so in the httpd.conf file
and ensure that it's enabled by ensuring that "RewriteEngine On" is set.


What do you suggest (books) for red hat administration?
Q. My company uses a lot of red hat for Virtual machines and infrastructure (such as sendmail). I am new to linux and I have learned a lot but I want to get solid on things like compiling files using makefile and how sendmail works. Anyone suggest good books?

A. Learn Linux in general, in particular the bash shell. The Red Hat Linux Bible is tops. http://www.amazon.com/Red-Fedora-Enterprise-Linux-Bible/dp/0764595768/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1335276492&sr=8-14

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