Sunday, April 7, 2013

How do i use a graphical file manager so i can use steam on "Linux"?

Q. So i wan to use steam on my school macbook that i can bring home. But to use programs like steam i have to use linux (works for minecraft). The only way I can use steam on linux is to open it with a graphical file manager (i downloaded muCommander). I don't know how to use one because i don't use linux. I'd love some help.

A. I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish.

Steam can be installed to Windows or Mac.

File managers can be used for any operating system if one is written for it.

If you are using it on a Linux machine, it seems that they have it in limited beta. You may not be able to participate in this beta version.

Anyone else having Steam for Linux overheating problems on laptops?
Q. Well I got most of my games from Humble Indie Bundle and they worked absolutely fine on my Dell laptop. No overheating or anything. I then get Steam for Linux and I play some games that I KNOW runs perfectly fine on the laptop such as Amnesia. Now when I play games through Steam my laptop overheats after a few minutes playing. Any reason why?

A. This site may be able to help ...

Is anyone here excited for the upcoming Steam linux client?
Q. I sure am. I'll just start buying games for linux to support the platform. Rarely will I boot into windows anymore. Except to play Killing Floor or Battlefield 3. Hopefully AMD will release better linux drivers by the time it's out since I'm not a big Nvidia fan.

A. I am. I think that Steam for Linux will change a lot by fixing one of the few shortcomings of Linux and helping Windows users keep our precious games.

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