Sunday, April 7, 2013

How to capture C and CPP files in the linux operating system?

Q. I am new to linux and have been trying to figure this out forever for a homework assignment! I am supposed to use appropriate linux commands to capture all "C or CPP" files in the linux operating system and make a list of the files. I am using Xubuntu. I am a beginner and could use any advice! Thanks!

A. What does it mean to capture a file??

If you mean to find the files and list the results, use the 'find' command to search for *.c and *.cpp files in the whole system. You will get the result on the screen, and you can redirect the output to a file.

To find *.c files:
find / -name *.c

To find *.cpp files:
find / -name *.cpp

Explanation: the "/" means to start the search at the top of the file system, meaning that the search will include all the system. The "-name" means to search by name, and "*.c" is the file pattern you want to find.

To redirect the output, use "> output_file" for example:
find / -name *.cpp > output_file

Hope it helps. See the manual page 'man find' to learn more.

How do I add an FTP user with a Linux command?
Q. I need to write a PHP script that automatically adds FTP users. I can use the system() function to run a Linux command, but I don't know how to create a new FTP user. Any help here?
I don't own the server, I've purchased a reseller plan.

A. When you say add an ftp user, I assume that you wouldn't want the person to be able to log in to a shell on the system. FTP users are just like any other linux user. Use the adduser(sometimes called useradd) command and pay attention to the --shell switch (set to /bin/false)

how to open a url from linux command line?
Q. I want to run a url from the linux command lline. So, please help me with the command.

A. You could use lynx or links. Both are text-based browsers.

Alternatively, you could use wget which will retrieve the url you pass to it.

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