Monday, February 18, 2013

What is the Linux distribution that you can boot directly from CD and run without installation?

Q. I once had a 1-CD Linux distribution. I could boot from the CD and run the OS without installing it on the hard drive. It is very useful when you want to do some experiments in Linux but don't want to mess up with all the (Windows) stuff on the hard drive. I forgot the name of the distribution. Can anybody tell me? Thanks!

A. it's called Knoppix. go here:

There's also a distribution of Linspire (which has a similar interface to windows) which can be run live but it is not free like knoppix.

What is a good Linux distribution for a flash drive?
Q. I want a Linux distribution to install to my 8gb flash drive that is light on system resources. (I will be running it on older computers and speed is a must.)

I don't want something like Puppy Linux because you are always running as root and I'm concerned with security. No DSL either. I have had graphics problems with that one on some of my computers.

All help is appreciated! Thanks in advance.

A. am recommend u to ubuntu is best of the best if u want ubunt give me a call on 09894815959

How can I find out what Linux distribution works with what devices?
Q. I have a Laptop with a wireless card that doesn't seem to work with any Linux distribution that I get! It's so annoying!

A. Check out the following weblink:
Research under distribution specs.

Ubuntu 7.04 works pretty well with my WIFI.

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