Sunday, April 7, 2013

How often is Unix used in the industy?

Q. I am a bachelor's student and I am learning Unix this semester. I was wondering how often will I be using Unix in my career? Languages like Java are used a lot. How often is Unix used?

A. Alright Unix and all the wonderful *nixes
1) you work for Apple you work with Unix
2) You work with large distributed Servers and systems
you work with Linux or Unix
3) You work in Western Europe: UK, Ireland, France, Germany (yeah I know its central but it is very Western)
You work with Unix or a *nix in server development and some of the time in a regular desktop
4) You work in the USA for a school/College you run a *nix
5) you work with a business in the USA, China, India, ect or very small businesses with basic computer functions you use in the business not necessarily on the server but most of the time with: Windows

How can I make a command in Unix that shows your files in your directory and arrange it according to size?
Q. I will make a command in Unix that will show a list of your files in the current directory and it will arrange it from lowest to highest according to its size. please help. pls?:(
after sorting the file according to its size.. how can I add some classifications of it

A. Is -is

What problems would there be with a unix/linux evironment over windows for a doctors office with 5 branches?
Q. I'm working on the final project of for my networking degree at college and I want to know what the disadvantages would be for a networking system using unix over windows server.
Bite-- I have a 3.5 gpa and you don't know anything about me or my degree. This simple question doesn't accomplish my project not in the least bit.

You must of failed your networking degree if you have one at all.

A. None. Unix, when set up by a qualified administrator, will reduce the security threats and increase application stability.

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