Sunday, April 7, 2013

What is the linux command to list every file on the computer ?

Q. I know in DOS you do dir /s for the entire system. What is the linux equivalent ?

A. ls -Ra /

That is LiSt Recursively All files starting with / (the top level).

Where can I find some very good linux software?
Q. I downloaded linux ubuntu as a second OS next to windows, I coudn't find any software for it, whre can i find some good software.

A. Ubuntu comes packed with a variety of free soft-wares already. Check in the 'Applications' on your top left-hand side.

If you want to install additional soft-wares, use the synaptic package manager (System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager) click 'Reload' for synaptic to get the latest updates. Then type in the keywords or name of the software you want into the search bar, it will filter out, right-click on what you want to install and choose 'mark for installation', click 'Apply' to proceed

How do I find the access point of some one who is accessing my lap top with a home computer?
Q. I bought the lap top from this person who is very controlive,I connect to internet through a wireless conection.Is there some way for him to still have controling cradentials under administrater controls that are hidden

A. I have no idea what you want, but the answer here is Yes. He could have a remote "assistance" program on the computer. If you want to make sure nothing funny is happening, it is best to consider simply reformatting the computer. If the person you bought the laptop from did not include the OS cd, you should confront them about it. Or use Linux, whatever. I heard Ubuntu was nice, though I've only used Whoppix.

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