Q. I have Linux operating system. And I cannot authenicate my email with the IM that is supported on the system
A. http://live.gnome.org/Empathy/FAQ#How_can_I_connect_to_.28a_protocol.29_in_Empathy_.3F
install telepathy-haze
install telepathy-haze
How do i get a linux operating system?
Q. I would like one of the free linux operating systems for my old computer but i have a really slow connection so i can't download it without it taking a few days. Is there anyway i can order it somewhere and it still be free? Thanks.
A. if you dont want to order and wiat for about a month then you can buy this months Linux magazine for about £5 ($10) and it comes with 6 different distributions on a CD that can be used as a trial CD or to instal it.
How do i install linux operating system on my laptop?
Q. Can someone talk me through the process to download and install linux operating system, i know that i would like to switch to that operating system, but i dont know which package i should get, or what type of installation to download and how to install???
thanks for the help.
thanks for the help.
A. Download the Linux installer CD or DVD image file. Next, burn the image to a disc - this is not the same thing as just copying it onto a disc. If you have Windows Vista or 7 then right click the file and choose 'open with Windows disc image burner' from the menu. With Windows 8 choose 'burn image to disc' from the menu. If you have XP then you'll need to use software such as Isoburn to create the disc: http://www.imgburn.com/index.php?act=download
Next, boot the laptop from the CD or DVD and then follow the instructions that it presents you with. If you're unfamiliar with Linux you should probably use Ubuntu as it's the easiest to use.
If you're uncomfortable with this procedure then Ubuntu have a utility to automatically download and install it alongside Windows, you can do this from within Windows by following this link: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/windows-installer . This method also provides an easy way to remove it again.
Next, boot the laptop from the CD or DVD and then follow the instructions that it presents you with. If you're unfamiliar with Linux you should probably use Ubuntu as it's the easiest to use.
If you're uncomfortable with this procedure then Ubuntu have a utility to automatically download and install it alongside Windows, you can do this from within Windows by following this link: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/windows-installer . This method also provides an easy way to remove it again.
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