Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Can I install an OS using virtualbox?

Q. I mean can I install the OS on the computer. I want to install backtrack 5 from the live ISO file. Can I boot it in the virtualbox and then install it on my hard disk, to dual boot? How can I do this, instead of actually burning the ISO file onto a CD?

A. You don't dual-boot an OS in VirtualBox. It has to be run after you load your OS which I suppose is Windows or Linux. You may install another OS inside the VirtualBox virtual machine by booting from a virtual drive in the form of an ISO file. You don't need to burn the ISO image to a CD. It will be read directly from where the ISO image is saved in the hard drive. You have to indicate where it is in the hard drive, of course.

Which language is best for creating viruses?
Q. Don't worry, I don't plan to use them in any malicious manor. I just want to experiment with my own computer, and a virtual computer. SO. Of C#, C++, and Visual Basic/VB.Net Which is best for creating viruses?

A. D. None of the above. C# and VB are specifically targeted to Windows Systems and they are literally consumer products. C++ began as a superset of C which is the language UNIX, the first cross-platform Operating System -- so there is some capability but no.

Java Javascript and other such programs are the preferred languages for creating malware (though the saying goes Java is to Javascript as Ham is to Hamster). For this I WOULD say try backtrack linux. Specifically download it as an iso, burn it to a dvd and DO NOT DO what the girl who posted a question this morning did and install it. Run the program OFF the DVD -- boot from it and just don't install. It's for penetration testing and has LOTS of tutorials for understanding the issues.

Hacker wasn't originally and in tech circles still isn't about bad guys. It means hacking away at any problem until you have a workable solution. One old "hacker" tutorial was how to type a hello world executable program into ms-dos from the keyboard. Yes executable -- you didn't need to compile it because it was already in machine code.

As I said C#, VB -- ANY dot Net language is optimized to use the OS on a level which actually discourages some understanding of it. We Linux geeks have tools like nmap which show us vulnerabilities Windows shares but trying to get M$ to talk about securing it runs into rants about "proprietary information" and "security" meaning they just don't want to talk about it at all. Windows tools are not good for Security OR malware until you know how to work against their strengths. C++ is too focused on hardware. Study device-independent scripting languages. Almost all of them are used and most of them are easier for the black hats to use.

Is there a sniffer program for me?
Q. I'm lookin for one that can get passwords from WEP protected Wifi, And i've used backtrack 4 before, and its aite but im lookin for one that i can run in windows, and hopefully noob friendly.

A. its a very simple process but you have to understand that wep cracking is just less efficient under windows than linux because of the differences in what you need the hardware to do and what you can do under winblows.

at a certain point you're gonna have to read up a little, use backtrack then use something called grimwepa

after that its literally select network, click crack, done.

windows isn't really a hacking os... at all.

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