Friday, May 10, 2013

is it possible to install windows 7 on a linux netbook that does not have any version of windows installed?

Q. i have an asus Eee linux netbook 900 that does not have any version of windows installed. i wish to buy windows 7 home premium to install ... what else, besides home premium, will i need, or is preferable to install something like windows vista, for example?

A. With some savvy installation, it is even possible to run both Linux and WIndows 7 on one PC. Not at the same time of course. You will need to download and install a "Boot Manager" if you don;t know how to configure your PC to "dual boot". Dual boot just means that when you first start your PC. it will ask you which system you want to launch. Skip Vista and head for WIndows 7 if you are intent on avoiding XP, as Vista is a "hog" and "slug". My recommendation is for XP.

How easy is it to shift work between Linux and Windows computers?
Q. I am thinking of buying a cheap netbook ( the ASUS Eee PC 4G 701). Will I be able to write a document on the linux netbook and transfer it to Microsoft Word on my home computer, and is this difficult?

If you have any additional knowledge/experience of this netbook, it would be greatly appreciated.


A. If you are going to buy a Linux netbook I recommend buying one of the ones with Ubuntu Linux, such as dells or hp's. The Linux shipped on the eeepc is quite unpopular, and does not represent what Linux is capable of. (although you can reinstall another distribution on it)

HP Mini 110 Mi $279

Dell Mini 10v $299

Linux has many of the same programs you may be use to: Firefox,, pidgin, which interoperate well.

Once you get use to Linux you wont want to go back :P

Can I run PSP emulator on my linux netbook?
Q. Can I run PSP emulator on my linux netbook?
I have a netbook with a CPU power of 600MHZ and I as whether it can run a PSP or PS2 emulator.

A. I would try it, & if it doesnt work it doesnt work, but I wouldn't expect anything FUN from a 600MHZ computer.

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