Q. What is the best (and free) Linux Operating System to download and what are the minimum requirements to run it? I have an old emachine that someone gave me about 2 years ago and I am taking Computer Science in college and I would like to gain some experience with it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
A. Linux isn't an Operating System. Also, there is no best. You use what works for you. As for free, most, if not all GNU/Linux distrobutions are free with the optiuon to donate. They are sold in varies places, but they are gratis online. I'd recommend starting with Ubuntu minimal if you want to learn a few things as a beginner.
What are the benefits of a Linux operating system?
Q. I've used Windows and and Mac operating systems, but never Linux. Are there any benefits to having a Linux operating system? Are there any disadvantages? Are they more likely to contract a virus?
A. A more informed user primary benefit.
Quicker more efficient system with less overhead and shit loads of free software. other beni
It won't make you a sandwich disadvantange.
Much less likely to get a virus, and if it does odds are it won't affect your machine but if you do get one you install Linux with a seperate home partition.
so when you have to format you just format your root partition.
Just for the record a Java/Flash/pdf buffer overflow attack can do just as much damage as a virus or more and is cross platform.
Typically these types of crap is put in pron and stuff people like to steal ie P2P over vuze or utorrent and stuff like that.
Most Linux users still Dual boot, just like allot of mac users boot camp.
Best place to start with Linux is to get Ubuntu and run the live Cd and see if you like it, you can also test your drivers running the live cd.
If you use Ubuntu you will probably need Ubuntu restricted extras from synaptic and a bunch of other stuff
You might run into problems with wireless drivers
Quicker more efficient system with less overhead and shit loads of free software. other beni
It won't make you a sandwich disadvantange.
Much less likely to get a virus, and if it does odds are it won't affect your machine but if you do get one you install Linux with a seperate home partition.
so when you have to format you just format your root partition.
Just for the record a Java/Flash/pdf buffer overflow attack can do just as much damage as a virus or more and is cross platform.
Typically these types of crap is put in pron and stuff people like to steal ie P2P over vuze or utorrent and stuff like that.
Most Linux users still Dual boot, just like allot of mac users boot camp.
Best place to start with Linux is to get Ubuntu and run the live Cd and see if you like it, you can also test your drivers running the live cd.
If you use Ubuntu you will probably need Ubuntu restricted extras from synaptic and a bunch of other stuff
You might run into problems with wireless drivers
What Linux operating system is best for a home audio and video recording system?
Q. Me and my friends are starting a band from scratch. We are building a computer from scratch and using a Linux Operating system to power it, but which distribution is the best for audio and video recording for a band?
A. Don't know about the "for a band" spec, but check out
64 Studio and
an Ubuntu clone that is for audio / video - it may be called mediabuntu or studiobuntu or something similar - do a google search on it
64 Studio and
an Ubuntu clone that is for audio / video - it may be called mediabuntu or studiobuntu or something similar - do a google search on it
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